Monday 28 May 2012

There is now a new website that will be continuing with the details of our preparation and the trip diary when it happens in 2013....

Please go to

Thank you

Friday 4 May 2012

Early May '12

Andy here...
I've talked it over with my family and I've decided that, unlike last year, I'm going to do the next trip in aid of charity. The charity I've chosen is The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign
Our new website will have a link to my chosen charity as well as Nevil's so depending on where you live and what your charitable leanings are you may like to donate some money to either, or even both, worthwhile organisations.
I'd like to give you a reason why I've chosen this organisation to support...
My brother-in-law, Derek Oakley, died from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
My wife is a carrier of this insidious disease.
My daughter, Katie, is a carrier and she is going "through the hoops" at the moment as she is pregnant for the second time. I'm writing this whilst we are on tenterhooks waiting for the initial 'boy or girl' results. If it's a girl we breathe more easily...if it's a boy...loads of tests to find out whether it's an affected/unaffected foetus!